
child holding an open book with beams of light coming out of the book

No registration is required for any storytime. Questions? Please contact Youth Services at oreyouth [at] (oreyouth[at]oregonlibrary[dot]org.)

Special Storytimes & Events

We are hosting a mix of storytimes and active play on select Mondays. Schedule is developing! 

CI Pediatric Storytime 

10:00am on 1st Monday of the Month, January-May.

Toddler Yoga with little om Big Om 

10:00 am on the 2nd Monday of the Month, January-May.
Registration required for each session. Click on the date and scroll down the page to see registration form.

Weekly Storytimes 

Morning Storytimes

No Storytime during the first two weeks of April (April 1-11).

Enjoy 25 minutes of stories, songs, and wiggles provided by Ms. Wendy and Ms. Kelly. No registration. For ages 0-5.

Day: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 
Times: Two Sessions per day- Attend the time that works best!
9:30 am -10:00 am
10:30 am -11:00 am
Location: Children's Program Room

Baby Storytime 

No Storytime during the first two weeks of April (April 1-11).

Enjoy rhymes, bounces, and stories along with social time for babies and caregivers. No registration. For ages 0-18 months.

Day: Thursdays 
Times: Two sessions - Attend the one that works best that day!
9:30 am - 10:00 am
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Location: Children's Program Room

Monthly Storytimes

Saturday Storytime 

Enjoy stories, songs, puppets, and more! No registration. Geared to ages 2-5. Younger and older children welcome.

Day: 2nd Saturday of the Month
Time: 10:00 am to 10:30 am
Location: Children's Program Room

Pajama Storytime 

Enjoy stories, songs and rhymes, and puppets before bedtime.

Day: 3rd Monday of the Month
Time: 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Location: Children's Program Room