About Your Library

The Oregon Public Library is a welcoming and safe gathering place that meets the information, leisure, civic, and cultural needs of a diverse community.

The library provides materials, events, and services to enrich our community.

Open Hours

Our regular open hours are:

Mon-Thu: 9:00am-8:00pm
Fri: 9:00am-6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am-3:00pm

Drive through pick up available during open hours.

2025 Closures

Wednesday, January 1: Closed for New Year's 
Monday, January 20: Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
Wednesday, April 23: Reduced hours: Open 10:15am-8pm for staff safety training
Friday, May 2: Closed for staff training
Monday, May 26: Closed for Memorial Day 
Thursday, June 19: Closed for Juneteenth 
Friday, July 4: Closed for Independence Day 
Monday, September 1: Closed for Labor Day 
Wednesday, November 26: Reduced hours: Open 9am - 6pm 
Thursday, November 27: Closed for Thanksgiving 
Friday, November 28: Closed for Thanksgiving 
Tuesday, December 23: Reduced hours: Open 9am - 6pm 
Wednesday, December 24: Closed for Holidays 
Thursday, December 25: Closed for Holidays
Wednesday, December 31: Reduced hours: Open 9am - 6pm 

Library Staff

Staff photo
First Row (Left to Right): Alex, Sarah, Peg, Lynda, Katie, Andrea, Sue, Wendy, Alicia 
Second Row (Left to Right): Abby, Chris, Monica, Patricia, Laura, Marc, Emily, Kara, Kelly, Laurie, Mark, Katie, Jennifer
Not pictured: Kallie, Amelia, Leah, and Murilo.

Contact the Library

Phone: (608) 835-3656 
Main Email: orelib [at] oregonlibrary.org 
Youth Services Email: oreyouth [at] oregonlibrary.org

Library Director

Jennifer Endres Way 
Phone: (608) 835-2322 
Email: jway [at] oregonlibrary.org (jway[at]oregonlibrary[dot]org)

Management Team

Alicia Fisher, Circulation Supervisor 
Phone: (608) 835-2308 
Email: afisher [at] oregonlibrary.org (afisher[at]oregonlibrary[dot]org)

Kelly Allen, Youth Services & Community Engagement Librarian 
Phone: (608) 835-6265 
Email: kallen [at] oregonlibrary.org (kallen[at]oregonlibrary[dot]org)

Kara Ripley, Adult Services & Outreach Librarian 
Phone: (608) 835-6268 
Email: kripley [at] oregonlibrary.org (kripley[at]oregonlibrary[dot]org)

Laura Dewey, Technical Services Supervisor & Administrative Assistant 
Phone: (608) 835-2326 
Email: ldewey [at] oregonlibrary.org (ldewey[at]oregonlibrary[dot]org)

Oregon Public Library Organizational Chart

Library Organizational Chart (PDF)