Law & Government

In addition to books, we also provide access to reliable online content. 

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Wisconsin Circuit Court AccessPublic records of the WI circuit courts.
Wisconsin Legislative DistrictsA map that will identify your state legislators.
Wisconsin Digital ArchivesA growing collection of state government documents from 2001-present.
Wisconsin State Law LibraryInformation on a variety of legal topics.
Wisconsin Law  HelpInformation to help self-represented litigants find clinics and organizations to learn more about the law. Managed by Judicare Legal Aid.

For information on current and historic newspaper resources, go to Newspapers.

Voting Information

My Vote WisconsinBrought to you by the State of Wisconsin Elections Commission. MyVote está disponible en Inglés y Español.
Oregon, WI Voting InformationA guide to voting that includes polling locations and absentee info.
Dane County, WI Voting InformationCounty Clerk's office voting information and links.
Green County, WI Voting InformationInformation on voting, marriage, licenses, etc. for Green County.