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Resource | Description |
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access | Public records of the WI circuit courts. |
Wisconsin Legislative Districts | A map that will identify your state legislators. |
Wisconsin Digital Archives | A growing collection of state government documents from 2001-present. |
Wisconsin State Law Library | Information on a variety of legal topics. |
Wisconsin Law Help | Information to help self-represented litigants find clinics and organizations to learn more about the law. Managed by Judicare Legal Aid. |
For information on current and historic newspaper resources, go to Newspapers.
Voting Information
Resource | Description |
My Vote Wisconsin | Brought to you by the State of Wisconsin Elections Commission. MyVote está disponible en Inglés y Español. |
Oregon, WI Voting Information | A guide to voting that includes polling locations and absentee info. |
Dane County, WI Voting Information | County Clerk's office voting information and links. |
Green County, WI Voting Information | Information on voting, marriage, licenses, etc. for Green County. |