Jobs & Careers

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COVID-19 Resources

Job Center of Wisconsin In-Demand JobsSearch by industry for job openings in industries that need employees during the pandemic. 
Wisconsin Department of Workforce DevelopmentDepartment of Workforce Development's Coronavirus page with information for DWD partners and the public.

Wisconsin Resources

Resources for Job SeekersList of job resources compiled by the South Central Library System.
City of Madison CareersJob listings for the City of Madison.
Dane County EmploymentDane County employment opportunities.
Job Center of WisconsinA WI agency charged with building and strengthening the workforce.
Jobs at UW-MadisonContains all of the job listings for UW-Madison.
Wisc JobsThe official employment site of the Wisconsin State Government.
Wisconsin Veterans Affairs Employment ResourcesDedicated to helping veterans transition into civilian careers.
Worker Unemployment BenefitsApply for unemployment insurance through the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. 

Resume and Coverletter Resources

ResourceDescription helps you build a resume online in minutes.
LiveCareer's Cover Letter BuilderYour cover letter is your first chance to impress potential employers. Cover Letter Builder gives you the tools to get noticed.
Resumizer.comWrite and print your resume in a few simple steps. This website provides many styles and options with tips to guide you. No fees or memberships required.
Resume BuilderWrite and print your resume in a few simple steps. This website provides many styles and options with tips to guide you. No fees or memberships required.
Writing Cover Letters from UW Madison Writing CenterLearn about what goes into writing a cover letter from UW Madison Writing Center.

Jobs & Careers

LearningExpress Library Logo

LearningExpress Library provides online skill building and test preparation 

Includes test preparation materials for the ACT, ASVAB, GED, LSAT, US Citizen test, and more! Build math and grammar skills. Herramientas de aprendizaje, carrera y ciudadanía en español.


Paid for by the Oregon Public Library