Due to cloudy weather, we are rescheduling the program on Monday, October 23.
SPACE AVAILABLE. To be sign up, please call the Library at 608-835-3656, or email oreglib [at] oregonlibrary.org (orelib[at]oregonlibrary[dot]org)
Learning event for all ages. Space is limited to 20.
All ages are invited to a Stargazing Party! John Heasley, an Astronomy Educator from Driftless Stargazing, will set up a telescope and binoculars outside the Library. Viewers will get to enjoy the craters of the Moon, the moons of Jupiter, and rings of Saturn.
Questions or need accommodations? Contact Kelly Allen at kallen [at] oregonlibrary.org (kallen[at]oregonlibrary[dot]org), or call (608) 835-3656.