Book Suggestions

Explore the booklists that our library staff create. We have lists on a variety of topics and genres for different age groups. 

Librarian's Choice

Want personalized book recommendations? We have librarians who can pull materials for you, your child, and your teen. Request books, movies, magazines and more!

After you submit the below form, you will receive an email with instructions for pick up.

If you do not have an email address, please call: (608) 835-3656.

What type of materials do you want?

Request Materials for Children or Teens

Please provide more information about the materials (books, movies, audiobooks) you would like us to pull for your family.

How many books would you like us to select?
Type of materials you want. Select all that apply.
If you would like audiobooks, what format?
For chapter books or other books, what genre do you want? Select all that apply.

Request Materials for Adults

Please provide more information about the materials (books, movies, audiobooks) that you would like us to pull for you.
Preferred materials
Items should NOT include content with
My favorite genres are
Would you like us to pull materials regularly for you?