Pottery & Art Sale

Kiser Firemen's Park, 245 Brook St., Oregon WI 53575

Find beautiful pottery and art for your home and help raise funds for the new Oregon Public Library!

100% of the proceeds benefit the new Library Building project.

Pottery and Art Sale features professional pottery designed by Oregon Artrst Mitch Sigmund of Studio Mitch Fine Pottery along with other select art pieces.  Pottery pieces will include mugs, tumblers, vases, utilitarian bowls, decorative bowls and special Studio Pieces. 

Meet the Artisit Mitch Sigmund from 12 - 2 pm. Learn more about the artist at studiomitch.com.

Covid-19 Information

  • Mask and social distancing are required while shopping.
  • Sale will be limited to 25 at a time.

Cash, check and credit card payments will be accepted. 

Questions? Please contact Jennifer Way at (608) 835-2322, or email at jway [at] oregonlibrary.org (jway[at]oregonlibrary[dot]org).